Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duffy of rural Solon began Newport Valley Shorthorns in 1948 with the purchase of five heifers. In the early years the herd was horned, gradually becoming predominantly polled. Early cow families included Clara, Augusta, and Meriway.
Charley regularly purchased his herd sires from the National Polled Shorthorn Congress. Their genetics have brought form and color into the herd and have included Hickories Emblem (white), Questing Hill's Elm Bar Superbomber x (dark red), Wexvale Solon Model (dark red), Super Flag (red neck with valentine heart on forehead), Trump (light roan), Sultana (red neck), Legend (red and white marks), Promise (light roan), DJS Score (silver roan), and others.
Charley served as Vice-President of the Iowa Shorthorn Breeders and as President or Director of Shorthorn and Polled Shorthorn associations across the Midwest. Annually he sold his show calves at the Chicago International sale in November and at show calf auctions throughout Iowa. He also served as cattle judge throughout the Midwest and exhibited and sold registered bulls. He passed away in 2011.
Mrs. Charles Duffy (Joyce) served as Secretary of the Iowa Shorthorn Lassies Association and as Queen Chaperone for the National Shorthorn Lassies Association. Both Charles and Joyce also served as youth livestock exhibitor chaperones at the Iowa State Fair and the Chicago International Livestock Exposition. She passes away in 2014.
Their son Chuck Duffy now manages Newport Valley Shorthorns.
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